Awakening the Gift: My Spiritual Journey to Crowning Grace Tarot
From a young age, I’ve always sensed a natural spiritual gift within me, though its full meaning and extent eluded my understanding for many years.
It began with a recurring dream – a familiar experience to many, where you feel as though you’re floating or flying. In the early years, these dreams started with me hovering just inches above the ground. Gradually, I ascended higher and higher, until I found myself level with the power lines, soaring as high as the rooftops. I often wondered why this dream repeated so persistently, but my rational mind dismissed it as just that – a dream, without any deeper significance.
As I entered my teenage years, the dreams faded, replaced by occasional inexplicable events that I brushed off as mere confusion or exhaustion. Then, in my early twenties, the recurring dreams returned, only this time, I soared even higher and further away. It was easy to dismiss these experiences, to let them slip from memory, until one night in my thirties when a voice demanded my attention. “Wake up,” it commanded, jolting me upright in bed. I listened intently, searching for the source, only to find nothing but silence and a lingering sense of confusion. This happened repeatedly – each time, I would wake, listen, and eventually convince myself it was nothing, only to drift back to sleep.
Soon after, I began experiencing out-of-body sensations. I would find myself levitating above my sleeping body or standing at the foot of my bed, looking back at my physical self. These journeys would sometimes take me to an otherworldly place, where time felt meaningless. At the end of each “dream,” I would feel a strange, indescribable tug, pulling me back into my body. The more I travelled, the more I realised I was encountering spirits – both light and dark energies – which shook me to my core. Somehow, I managed to shut down this part of myself, closing off access to these experiences.
Years later, I stumbled upon the term ‘astral projection,’ and suddenly, everything clicked. What I had dismissed as meaningless dreams were, in fact, profound spiritual experiences. While I initially saw this gift as a curse, the fear was overshadowed by my need to understand more.
Almost as if on cue, the experiences returned. This time, I encountered my guide – an incredibly tall figure equipped with a staff and surrounded by a golden glow. We communicated telepathically. I had always been intrigued by tarot, but I never imagined I would become a tarot reader myself. Guided by my spiritual mentor, I embraced tarot as a tool to strengthen our connection. Through this practice, my intuition has deepened, and my trust in both my guide and my abilities has become firmly rooted. I’ve learned to read energies, allowing me to provide in-depth, insightful readings.
My spiritual journey has grown exponentially, leading to the creation of Crowning Grace Tarot and my entry into the spiritual community. I take pride in offering honest, transparent, and guided messages. Every piece of work I do is carried out with pure and positive intentions, always seeking to empower those I guide.
With Love, Light, and Balance.
Kae Grace X